Uninsured services

There are services not covered by OHIP such as hand warts, forms, travel medicine consultation, etc
In order for you to be prepared please check the non OHIP services before you book your appointment. You will find details of these services under uninsured services
Uninsured Billing Fees (Not Covered by OHIP)
Services Fees
Minor Assessment $50
Intermediate Assessment $80
General Assessment $180
Chart/ Document Review $300
Travel medicine visit $80
Sick/Back to work $25
Custom absence form (including Fed Employee Absence Note) $50
Short Form (School/University/Camp/Daycare/Gym Health Certification, Trip Cancellation) $50
Extended Form without exam $100
Long Form (Insurance: Auto/Disability/Life/Private, Immigration Report, CPP Report) $200
Third party physical/ Driving License exam $200
Attending Physicians Statement $300
Skin Tags: $50

$10 per skin tag thereafter
Shave Excision (Moles/Skin lesions) $200 then $25 per lesion thereafter
Prescription, massage, physiotherapy and chiropractor $20
Full Excision (Moles/Cysts) $200 then $25 per lesion thereafter
School or work accommodations letter &100
Liquid Nitrogen Therapy (Warts, Seborrheic Keratosis) $50 then $10 per wart thereafter
Ear syringing $30
No Show Fee $50
Travel vaccine injection $20 per injection
Prescription for any vaccine without seeing a doctor $20
Nail removal $200
Pregnancy test $10
Printing $5 for one page, $2 for each extra page


 CRA Tax Credit Certificate $100
Chart Transfer – Full Chart $100
TB/Mantoux Test (includes reading and form completion)  $50 per step